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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Things To Considers - to blog

So, you finally decided to start blogging. There might be several factors that certainly stimulate your interest in blogging but sometimes it's a good practice of not expecting too much out of it. It is better to just enjoy yourself on what you are doing, have fun and then see your blog grow with your past time. Sometimes, with the encouragement of several professional bloggers who quit their full time job because they are making enough money out from their blogs. Remember, most of them had spent lots of time putting together their contents before they achieve their current status. How about the unheard blogger which could be even more who failed to monetized their websites as much as they hope for? I mentioned this not to discourage you but first of all, we should put our interest in what we are doing after which we can find ways to earn or at least monetize what we are doing. Here are some practical items we might consider while we do our blgging. Remember, this may not be expert-wise tips but from a beginner who just find his interest ;-)

1. We have something to share
Experiences, Knowledge or useful tips we learned, are we willing to open our secret? This may not necessarily include personal things but our expertise which could help others.

2. Keen to read and write
Blogging requires writing. We might not be as good writer as professional journalist do but at least we can reach to our target audiences clearly and be understood. We also need to read to keep us informed on what is going around us. Reading also enables us to learn from each other.

3. Willing to open ourselves to public
In blogging, there is no telling who will be able to read what you are writing. There are things we intend to keep within ourselves and things we can share. Are you willing to be known to the world through what you are writing?

4. Accept critics
We may not be able to satisfy everyone with what we intend to contribute. Some comments could be positive as much as negative. Are we prepared to appreciate and learn from these reviewers?

5. Keep up the excitement
Are we taking pleasure on what we are doing. It is really important to see ourself pleased and satisfied with what we are doing. This is to sustain our energy blogging.

Happy Blogging!

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