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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Earn Money Online Through Blogging Series - Sell Text Link Ads

Previously I have starting make money online through blogging series with paid blogging. Today I continue with this series on earn money online through blogging with selling text link ads in your blog. I have sell a link in my PR4 site privately, I will get at least $15 per month just for a link.

We also know that google hate blogs or website selling text link ads, but you can sell for no follow links. If you really wanna make money online through blogging, you don’t bother too much about that.

1. Text Link Ads –This is my number one best link sellers that I use for many years. When you try to get approval for your blog, the main criteria that they concern is PR. Below are some tips for you to get your first link sold:

a) Put your links on your blogs where mostly everyone can see after your blog finish load, or you can place it on the top and close to your blog posts

b) Ensure your blog got high Page Rank

c) Massive traffic on your blog is as well an extra selling point for links.

My blog is selling links for $12.50 per link each month. TLA will get 50% of the profit. You also can make money from referral, you get pay for $25 each advertiser or publisher who has successfully signed up.

You be able to join Text Link Ads by click on this link.

Other than Text Link Ads, you also recommend to join with LinkXL, Text Link Brokers, LinkWorth, Direct Link Ads, LinkAdage, or offer selling links in forums.

I will stop this series now, will continue next series later on. Do you have any comment?

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Are you looking to make cash from your websites or blogs with popunder ads?
If so, have you ever used PopAds?

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