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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Now you can earn while you blog

If Amitabh can write about how his luggage never makes it to the carousel and Aamir write about why you should buy his latest DVD and also attract an audience simultaneously, so can you. If the writing bug has bitten you, all you now need to do is to create some space in the virtual world and start blogging. And in the process make some money too.

Karamveer Singh, (Jim Karter to his legions of fans in the world of cyberspace), raked in whopping USD 70,000, last month. He maintains 200 websites and blogs, and apart from writing for them, he also has around 15 people who keep contributing.

Singh's most popular blog is perhaps, a blog which in his words, "gives the low down on how to earn while you blog." It has tips from how to generate more web traffic to how to maintain the blog.

Another popular blogger who writes for always loved Bollywood movies. But things changed when she got married.

1 comment:

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